Fluid Pouring Demonstration
10 September 2018 / Fluid Series . New Artwork . Uncategorized
Today’s workshop had to be changed for a later start, meaning that not all of the students could attend. This was a perfect opportunity to hold a pouring demonstration as I can’t have too many students for that.
Previously most of my pours were done in a blue, turquoise and blue colour scheme, so today we wanted to try a different unusual colour scheme. For that we selected bright orange and yellow for the transparent colour and dark violet and turquoise for the opaque colour. We used Global acrylic and Floetrol in a 50% to 50% ratio, adding Dimethicone to create cells.
The different technique we were applying was the string pull, the flip cup, the tree ring pour and a swipe. We also tried the hammer method, but added the string pour on top of it.
We also tried a straight pour but were not happy with the result so we added some extra white acrylic to the top of the painting and und a wet paper towel to finish it with the swipe.
The tree ring pour also did not go as planned as all paint used had some dimethicone included. That created too many cells and no rings, but the results were acceptable as seen in the photos.
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