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Painting fur, today’s topic, was a big challenge for the Monday Art Group. We started today by watching a free Youtube tutorial by Jason Morgan. Jason uses glazes for his fur tutorial.


Glazing is a topic lots of beginner struggle with but it really is not this complicated, it just needs a bit of practise.

To see the difference a glaze makes to acrylic paint we started by laying down a strip of dark acrylic on the paper and overlaid it with various colours to see the difference between a solid colour and a colour glaze.

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For our first ‘fur’ exercise we laid down a tonal undercoat of a dark base colour, dried it thoroughly and then added the fur in white acrylic with short brush strokes. (Just as it was shown in Jason’s Youtube tutorial)

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For this we used a stiff paintbrush that we amended into a fur brush by cutting wedges into it like shown below.  This way we could paint several fur lines in one go. There are also special brushes available to buy for this kind of work, but the inconsistent thickness of the different strands of the home made brush gives a more natural look to the fur strokes.


After drying the underpainting thoroughly with a hairdryer, we painted our first layer of  a light tone of acrylic glaze. This was followed by several more glazes, each one with a bit darker tone as each glaze tints or modifies the color of the paint beneath.

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We had quite a  mixed results with this exercise but as most of us tried this for the first time the results were surprisingly good. It still needs a lot of practise before we can start with our first fury animal painting.

I wonder if we have the next Albrecht Duerer amongst us?


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