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Bush Fire Appeal Donation

Like many Australian’s, I was also shocked by the destruction of the recent fires in our beautiful country. Trying to find a way I could help, I was hoping to use my art to help for a good cause. When Neida, the right hand of Charles Strunk, Councillor for Forest Lake Ward was telling me abut their Australia Day celebration plans, I was offering to support the Bush Fire Apeall by donating one of my paintings. Thankfully Charles was very receptive to my plan and accepted my donation. The Painting, of the Forest Lake Lake, was one on the first painting I did after moving to Forest Lake and that why it is very special to me. Also, it is the last painting I have left from a series of Forest Lake paintings. I found it approriate to donate this painting as it depicts a very beautiful corner of the lake. This painting will now auctioned to raise money for the Bush Fire Appeal at the Forest Lake Ward Australia Day Free Community BBQ Picnic on January 26th. Everyone is invited to join the community from 4pm on wards.

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