2021 ESK Exhibition
26 June 2021 / Uncategorized
I am pleased to announce that my third Solo Exhibition at the Glenrock Art Gallery in ESK will open this coming Friday 2nd July at 10am. As I will not be able to have an official opening for this exhibition, I will have a ‘Meet the Artist’ date for the 18th of July between 1pm and 3pm instead. This will give me the opportunity to answer any questions you may have about my art practice and the work I do. I am looking forward to seeing you then.
Most of my art is inspired by the outdoors and surroundings of my home, from the small pebble bed in my backyard to the bushes and trees and birds in the park nearby. There is a combination of my traditional style and my latest fluid acrylic art paintings on show.
I have attached several of my work that will be exhibited during this exhibition and who knows, there might be something just for you there.

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